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Devour the Image. It Tastes like Smoke

In an attempt to contact a passed loved one, we look for ghosts in 24-hour live cameras which allow the spirits to emerge in the pixels which only appear in the nighttime. Projected onto smoke, the viewer becomes active as they inhale and exhale both the image and the conjured spirit. The image is physical and tactile, but impossible to touch (though you may get a sense of phantom touch). Viewable from all angles, the audience must navigate the space and interrupt the light in motion in order to "capture" the ghosts in their hands. 

Image fed by desire, devoured by spirits. Soul fed by image, devoured by you.

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Take a breath
do you feel the spirit?
does it make you feel free? 

body into dust in the air in the nose in the lungs

I think she’s beautiful and I think she doesn’t need to be seen in the light because it distracts from her beauty and I dont think she needs a body or a beautiful face because she’s got the most beautiful soul I’ve ever seen in my life.

image fed by desire, devoured by spirits

not here not nothing

shhhhh. we are trying to make contact.

i text her phone and she don't answer no more but someone else does. 

i watch her all the time and i love to watch her and i set up cameras so i can watch her all the time even when she can't love me anymore because i wont let her leave me never ever ever

It's you and me and me and you. i breathe her in so i can hold her. 

soul fed by the image, devoured by you

Not nowhere but the lens of my old video camcorder. and and and i do not trap her because because because i love her oh boy do i love her. 

you were supposed to be nothing or you were supposed to be free

hold it.
do you love it?
does it make you feel free?

there she is.

spirit into light in the lens in the artifacts in the image

soul fed by image, devoured by you.

not nowhere but the lens of my video camcorder

And I won’t give her no peace she loves me and I know it and I am going to keep her here forever and ever and ever even though I can’t touch her anymore or look at her anymore I know she is here only ever in glimpses but that doesn’t bother me because she is my girl my girl my girl

shhhhh. we are trying to make contact.

she can't protect me now. no jurisdiction in the slippage.

soul fed by the image, devoured by you

when i keep her on the lens lens lens of my high tech video camcorder she can't can't can't be nothing she has to be with me even if i never ever ever see her again.

you were supposed to be nothing or you were supposed to be free.
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